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Durham County Golf Union Logo

About Us

What We Do For You

As the Mens Governing Body of Amateur Golf in County Durham, the DCGU is in turn affiliated to England Golf our National Governing Body. It works on their behalf and alongside the Durham County Ladies Golf Association, to support the clubs, golfers and talent of Durham in all the following areas of activity.


The Union is the area authority for the CONGU handicap system used by golfers to compete in club, county, regional and national competitions. With over 16,000 handicaps to manage, we administer everything behind the scenes that keeps the system working, from answering handicap queries and giving advice to clubs, to handling disciplinary and appeals cases. On behalf of the National Governing Body, the DCGU supports clubs in preparing for major changes to the way handicaps are managed, such as the new World Handicap System.

Course Rating

The Course and Slope rating for each set of tees is a fundamental part of the new WHS handicapping system and allows golfers to compete on different courses using the same handicap. The Union has a team of trained course assessors who undertake this work on behalf of England Golf at no cost to the clubs.

Increasing Participation

As part of the County Golf Development Group, the Union is involved in a wide range of activity to help bring new players into the sport and new members into our clubs. Working closely with England Golf, the Golf Foundation and the PGA, we aim to support clubs with development ideas and applications for available Sport England funding which has seen many clubs in the County develop their facilities and ability to recruit and retain new golfers within membership.

Rules, Governance & Disciplinary

The Union is a club’s first port of call when it has a query on the Rules of Golf and has persons qualified to answer them. Support is available to clubs to ensure that courses are set up correctly for competition golf and comply with the Rules of Golf. When changes to the Rules of golf are implemented by the R&A, the County bodies help with the education process and give guidance to clubs with respect to the rewriting of local rules.

Each year the DCGU supports several clubs with Governance, Safeguarding and Disciplinary issues and has staff and volunteers qualified to do so. All matters are dealt with professionally and in confidence to ensure the integrity of both Club and County.

Talent Development

The Union’s talent development programme supports the development of young talent from Under 14’s up to Mens level, through 1st class coaching, support and competition. Using qualified PGA Professionals, coaching delivered helps local talent fulfil their full potential and in turn support club teams in County and League fixtures.

County Teams

For a small County, Durham regularly punches above its weight when it comes to team golf and has teams at all levels from Under 14 to Senior, which compete Regionally in over 20 matches each season.


Durham Union runs nine Championships and Individual Competitions for all Divisions of handicap which are only open to affiliated club members (subject to entry conditions).

These start at under 14 level and progress right up to County Seniors for over 55’s. Over 2000 club members compete in DCGU events each year.

There are also several opportunities for golfers to represent their club in the various team events held each season. From the Clubs Championship to the Team Handicap Competition and Mixed Foursomes, there are team events for everyone which help players gain valuable competitive experience on a variety of courses.

County Membership Scheme

Club members who sign up to the County Membership Scheme have the opportunity to enter several County members only competitions each year, known as the County Salvers. 

Find out more here

County Card Scheme

The County Card scheme will allow club members in Durham to explore over 1200 other courses both within the County and across England at a discounted green fee rate, as a benefit of their affiliation fee.

Find out more here

County Officials


Executive Committee


Policies & Important Documents

DCGU Constitution/Rules


  1. The name shall be called “The Durham County Golf Union”.


  1. The objects of the Union are to further the interests of amateur golfers and Golf Clubs in the former geographical County of Durham (hereinafter called “the County of Durham”), to promote Golf Championships and Competitions, to arrange golf matches with other Counties and Associations and generally encourage the playing of golf in the County.


  1. The Union shall consist of recognised Golf Clubs in the County of Durham whose enrolment in the Union shall be subject to approval of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have power to consider and accept an application to join the Union from a recognised golf club from outside the County of Durham, if the Executive Committee considers it beneficial to the Union to do so. Any appeal against the decision of the Executive Committee may be made to the Council.

The Council

  1. The governing body of the Union shall be styled “The Council” and the entire management of the Union shall be vested in it.
  2. The Council shall consist of the Officers mentioned in Rule 6, and of representatives of each club in the Union. Clubs having 200 adult male playing members, or less, shall have one representative, and clubs with over 200 such members shall have two representatives. Notification in writing of each club’s representatives shall be given to the Secretary of the Union prior to any meeting of the Council.
  3. The Officers shall consist of the President, a Vice-President or Vice-Presidents not exceeding seven in number and a Treasurer, the Officers shall also include a President-Elect (if nominated under Rule 11), who shall all be elected annually at the Annual Meeting of the Council.

The Annual General Meeting

  1. The Annual Meeting of the Union shall be held in January in each year. At such meeting eight officers or club representatives shall form a quorum. Notice of intention to move any resolution by any club must be received by the Secretary on or before 30 November preceding the meeting. 21 days notice in writing, of the meeting shall be given to each club in the Union.
  2. The Annual Meeting of the Union shall:
    1. receive the report of the Executive Committee on the affairs of the Union during the preceding year.
    2. Receive the financial statement for the year ending on the preceding 31 October.
    3. Elect the officers of the Union and members of the Executive Committee as required, and independent accounts.
    4. Transact any general business of the Union and such other special business of which notice shall have been given.

Special Meetings

  1. A special meeting of the Council may be convened by the Secretary at any time and must be called at the request, in writing, of three clubs in the Union, or of three members of the Executive Committee of the Union. 21 days notice in writing of the business to be transacted at such meetings shall be given by the Secretary to each club in the Union. At any such meeting eight officers or club representatives shall form a quorum.

The Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers mentioned in Rule 6 and of twelve other members, and not more than two of whom shall be from the same Club. These members shall be elected for a term of four years by the Council at its Annual Meeting. In addition a Past President of the Union shall remain as a member of the Executive Committee without election.
  2. The Executive Committee shall submit nominations for the officers of the Union to the Annual General Meeting of the Council.
  3. Three of the members representing clubs elected by the Council shall retire every year by rotation but shall be eligible for re-election.
  4. Nominations to fill vacant positions of the members representing clubs on the Executive Committee shall be sent by a club in writing so as to be in the hands of the Secretary ten days before the Annual General Meeting. No Club shall nominate more than two persons. The Secretary shall advise all clubs before the day of the Annual General Meeting of all the nominations received.
  5. The election of all members of the Executive Committee shall be by ballot at the Annual General Meeting of the Union. At such election each member of the Council may give one vote only for a candidate for election but must vote for as many candidates as there are vacancies.
  6. If any member representing a club dies or wishes to retire from the Executive Committee the vacancy shall be filled at the next following Annual General Meeting. The member who is elected to fill the vacancy shall retire at the Annual General Meeting at which the member whose place he has filled would have retired by rotation as before provided.
  7. The Executive Committee may itself fill a vacancy occurring during any year and may co-opt two additional members who shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting of the Union and also the Captain of the County Team if he shall not be a member of the Executive Committee.

Powers of the Executive Committee

  1. The Executive Committee shall conduct the affairs of the Union and deal with all matters arising in the intervals between the meetings of the Council and shall appoint a Secretary on such terms as they deem appropriate.


  1. The Executive Committee of the County Union is charged with ensuring that all rules contained both in the Constitution and the Regulations governing Championships and matches, are complied with.The Executive Committee is authorised to deal with any breach of rule, or discipline, and to impose sanctions upon any club, player or person deemed to have breached any rule.The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint and delegate disciplinary powers to a disciplinary Sub-committee, power to be exercised in accordance with the terms and conditions for the procedure and conduct of Disciplinary Committees from time to time issued by the English Golf Union.
  2. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Chairman to preside over the meetings who shall hold office for one year. In case of an equality of votes the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
  3. Three members of the Committee shall form a quorum.
  4. Seven days notice of all meetings shall be given by the Secretary to all members of the Executive Committee and must be called by him at any time at the request in writing of three members.
  5. The Executive Committee shall annually elect representatives of the Union to the England Golf.


  1. Each club joining the Union shall pay an entrance fee and an annual subscription, to be determined by the Executive Committee. Annual subscriptions shall be due 60 days after each club’s membership subscription date (or nominated subscription date if the club operates a rolling membership year). A second mid-term collection will be made as per England Golf affiliation rules. No club whose subscription shall be in arrears one month after its due date, or any of its members, shall be entitled to vote or take part in any meetings, schemes or competitions of the Union.


  1. Any club wishing to resign its membership shall give notice of such resignation in writing to the Secretary on or before 30 September, otherwise the club shall be liable to pay its subscription for the ensuing year.


  1. The Secretary shall keep a Roll of Clubs who are members and also in a Minute Book correct minutes of the proceedings of the Council and of the Executive Committee and shall produce such Minute Book at all meetings. He shall send a copy of the financial statement made up to 31 October each year, duly examined and signed by the independent accountants to the secretary of each club in the Union with the notice convening the annual meeting of the Council and the Executive committee in accordance with these Rules. The Secretary shall arrange and organise all Golf meetings and Championships mentioned in these rules, or sanctioned by the Executive Committee and shall act generally in accordance with the instructions of the Council or the Executive Committee.


  1. The Treasurer shall receive and deal with all money belonging to the Union in accordance with the direction of the Council or of the Executive Committee. He shall prepare a financial statement made up to 31 October each year and shall have the same examined and signed by the independent accountants before the end of the month of November following. He shall deliver the same to the Secretary within seven days of such last mentioned date.

Golf Championships and Competitions

  1. Meetings shall be held each year at which there shall be competitions to decide:
    • The County Championship.
    • The County Match Play Championship.
    • The Club Championship.
    • The Club Teams Handicap Competition.
    • The Second Division Championship.
    • The Third Division Individual Competition.
    • The Fourth Division Individual Competition.
    • The Inter-County Foursomes Championship.
    • The Boys Championship.
    • The Boys Under 16 Championship
    • The Boys Under 14 Competition
    • The Clark Cup Competition.
    • Seniors Championship.
    • Mixed Foursomes Championship
    • The Executive Committee may arrange any additional competition or competitions.
  2. To be eligible to compete in Union Championships or meetings, a player:
    1. Must be of amateur status as defined by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews.
    2. Must be a member of an affiliated Golf Club in the County of Durham, or must have been born in the County of Durham and be a member of an affiliated Club in another County.
    3. Must not have taken part in a Golf Championship of another County or represented another county union during the previous 12 months.
    4. If he has moved into England from another Country, the player must have 12 months residence in England before being eligible to play for Durham County Golf Union.
  3. The courses upon which the championships or other meetings shall be held and the dates shall be fixed by the Executive Committee who shall make all arrangements for them with clubs on whose course they are to be held.
  4. The entrance fee for all the championships and competitions shall be fixed by the Executive Committee.
  5. Entries may be made through the secretary of the club of which the entrant is a member, online via the DCGU website or by post with entry form, to be received by the closing date. All entries however made, must include the appropriate entrance fee. Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the County Secretary but only if there is space in the published draw. The Executive Committee, reserves the right to refuse entry into County competitions.
  6. All championships and competitions shall be played according to the Rules of Golf as approved by the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews and the local rules of the club on whose course the meeting is to be held so far as they are approved by the Executive Committee.
  7. All rules concerning championships and competitions and any disputes shall be settled by the Executive Committee or a sub-committee appointed for that purpose, whose decision shall be final.
  8. The Executive Committee or sub-committee thereof shall have (in addition to the powers conferred on it by the Rules of Golf) power to modify the rules governing any championship or competition if it considers it necessary for any reason.
  9. The Executive Committee shall arrange such County matches as it shall deem fit and shall be responsible for the selection of the teams to represent the County.


  1. The colours of the Union shall be maroon, blue and gold, and the tie and the blazer shall be of a design as approved by the Executive Committee. The right to wear such tie and blazer shall be governed by regulations to be made by the Executive Committee who shall be empowered to vary such regulations from time to time as it may deem fit.


  1. property of the Union shall be vested in four trustees who shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and shall be dealt with by them, as the Executive Committee may from time to time direct by resolution (of which an entry in the Minute Book shall be conclusive evidence).
  2. The Trustees shall be indemnified against risk and expense out of the Union property. The Trustees shall hold office until death or resignation or until removal from office by the Executive Committee.
  3. Where by reason of such death, resignation or removal, it is necessary that a new trustee or trustees be appointed, the Executive Committee shall nominate the person or persons to be appointed the new trustee or trustees. For the purpose of giving effect in such nomination the President of the Union is hereby nominated as the person to appoint the new trustees of the Union within the meaning of Section 36 of the Trustees Act 1925 and he shall by deed duly appoint the person or persons so nominated by the Executive Committee.
  4. That the Union shall not make a distribution of any surplus save to another non profit making body, or in whole to the members on dissolution.

Alterations to Rules

  1. No rule of the Union shall be repealed or altered and no new rule made except by a majority of two-thirds of the representatives present and voting at any meeting of the Council. Written notice of any proposed rule repeal or alteration can be given by any club or three members of the Executive Committee and must be received by the Secretary on or before 30 November, and given to each club with the notice convening the next annual meeting, or special meeting of the Council, called for the purpose, of which 21 days notice in writing shall have been given to each club in the Union.

These Rules were last updated at an EGM of the DCGU on 16th April 2018

A copy of these changes can be requested from the County Secretary.

The DCGU uses its website and social media platforms to share news, promote events and schemes, and encourages both clubs and golfers to interact with these posts in order to promote golf within the County.

When using social media, video sharing platforms and blogs at any time, both golfers and County officials/volunteers must not:

  • Conduct themselves in any manner which is or may be detrimental to the Union, or any member club, or which brings or may bring the Union into disrepute.
  • Allow their interaction on such media platforms to damage relationships between golfers, clubs, Union officials clubs, or the Union.
  • Make derogatory, offensive, discriminatory, or defamatory comments or remarks about another person or organisation including but not limited to, a golfer, golf club, DCGU employee or volunteer, the National Governing Body.
  • Make any comments about any individual which may constitute bullying, or unlawful discrimination or harassment, contrary to The Equality Act 2010.
  • Disclose any trade secrets or other sensitive or confidential information relating to the Union a member club or the National Governing Body, which could be harmful to the success, reputation or well-being of those organisations.
  • Breach any copyright or any other proprietary interest belonging to the Union or any member club or associated organisations, including logos and images.

Any perceived breach of this policy should be reported immediately to the DCGU County Secretary

Email: secretary@durhamcountygolfunion.co.uk Phone: 07444 906028.

Any individual who is suspected to be in breach of these rules may face disciplinary action from the Union`s Disciplinary Committee. If found to be in breach thereof, sanctions may be imposed including, but not limited to;

  • Being reported to a player’s home club.
  • Being reported to the National Governing Body.
  • Having their WHS number withdrawn.
  • Being barred from DCGU social media platforms.
  • In the case of being a DCGU employee, official or volunteer, face disciplinary action.
  • Being reported to the Police or relevant authority.

Adopted on 18th January 2021

1. NAME.

The Association shall be called the “DURHAM COUNTY GOLF UNION SENIORS” changed from “DURHAM COUNTY GOLF VETERANS ASSOCIATION” in 2018.


Membership shall be open to any person over the age of 55 years, at the time of joining such person must be a playing member of a golf club affiliated to the Durham County Golf Union or be a member of a recognised Golf club in the former geographical area of County Durham, or have been born in the County, and not be a member of any other County Seniors Association.

Membership qualification may be extended at the discretion of the Council to former members who move to a club outside of County Durham that is affiliated to another County Golf Union and such persons as the association, on the recommendation of an annual general meeting, may elect to be honorary members. To be eligible to play in the County Durham Golf Union Senior annual competitions or for the County Seniors team a player must have paid the annual membership subscription to the County Durham Golf Union Seniors Section.


The Governing Body of the Association shall be styled “THE COUNCIL” and the entire management of the Association shall be vested in it. FOUR members of the Council shall form a quorum.


The Officers shall consist of a President, who shall be the ruling President of the Durham County Golf Union, a Chairman, a Secretary/Treasurer, a Captain, and four other members of the Council.


Ordinary meetings of the Council may be called by the Secretary, seven days notice shall be given to all members of the Council.


A meeting of the Association shall be held in the month of NOVEMBER in each year, at such place as may be decided by the Council. The secretary shall give twenty-one day’s notice of the meeting to each member of the Association. At each Annual General Meeting the following business shall be transacted in addition to any Extraordinary business of which notice shall be given.

  1. To receive the report of the council on the affairs of the Association during the preceding year and the Financial Statement for the year immediately prior to the Meeting.
  2. Election of the President, Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, and four members to the council, and an Auditor. The election of members to the council shall be by ballot, and each member may give one vote to a candidate but must vote for, as many candidates as there are vacancies, voting papers not fulfilling these conditions will be void.

Competition Rules.

Mens Spring Meeting

for the

“G. Howe Trophies”

Four Ball Better Ball Stableford Competition

Maximum Handicap Index 28.4

85% Course Handicap allowance

Prizes for 1st & 2nd

Over 70’s: 1st & 2nd (Both players MUST be over 70)

Mens Summer Meeting

for the

“F.D. Dobson Trophies”

Four Ball Better Ball Stableford Competition

Maximum Handicap Index 28.4

85% Course Handicap allowance

Prizes for 1st & 2nd

Over 70’s: 1st & 2nd (Both players MUST be over 70)

Mens Autumn Meeting

for the

“Auckland Goblets”

Four Ball Better Ball Stableford Competition

Maximum Handicap Index 28.4

85% Course Handicap allowance

Prizes for 1st & 2nd

Over 70’s: 1st & 2nd (Both players MUST be over 70)

Mens Fourth Meeting

for the

“The Geoff Dunn Trophies”

Four Ball Better Ball Stableford Competition

Maximum Handicap Index 28.4

85% Course Handicap allowance

Prizes for 1st & 2nd

Over 70’s: 1st & 2nd (Both players MUST be over 70)

Contact Michael Kelly (Secretary)

Email: secretary@durhamcountygolfunion.co.uk
Tel: 07444906028

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