AGM Appointments
George Rennie of Durham City GC has been elected to serve on the DCGU Executive Committee at the recent AGM.
George is seen here receiving his Executive badge and tie from new President, Gerry Johnson.
George Rennie of Durham City GC has been elected to serve on the DCGU Executive Committee at the recent AGM.
George is seen here receiving his Executive badge and tie from new President, Gerry Johnson.
At the 116th DCGU Annual General Meeting, Gerry Johnson of Bishop Auckland GC became the 36th President of Durham County Golf Union. Seen here receiving his badge of office from out-going President, David Proud, Gerry expressed his gratitude at being given the immense honour and privilege of serving the clubs and golfers of County Durham as their President for the
DCGU and the DCGU Seniors Section now have a trophy cabinet to hold and display some of our County Trophies.
The current winner’s names will be displayed beside each relevant trophy.
Immense thanks go to Durham City Golf Club for kindly allowing us space in their clubhouse for the siting of the cabinet.
The County Seniors Team is looking to add to its squad of players available to represent Durham in next season’s Northern Counties League and Regional Qualifying Championship.
Fixture list for all 2024 competitions now available to sync, download and enter competitions online
Callum Moncur has won the Junior European Open 18+ Championship 2023
“Thousands and thousands of hours of work, and practice and dedication to the game and it all began here.”
A return trip to where it all started for Callum Tarren in Darlington
A superb effort from our County Seniors, but they’ve ended up as runners-up in the English Senior Men’s County finals. Watch highlight video here
Golf Genius chosen for all county competitions For the 2023 season DCGU will be using Golf Genius as our Tournament Software provider. Therefore all competitions and events will be run through the DCGU Golf Genius Golf Portal. Please click on the link below to set up a Profile to enable you to view the schedule and next week enter and