The Past Captains Fixtures & Start Sheets are now available for booking for 2024.
To book a tee, please contact the Captains Secretary as follows :-
Mobile 07721199131.
The Past Captains Fixtures & Start Sheets are now available for booking for 2024.
To book a tee, please contact the Captains Secretary as follows :-
Mobile 07721199131.
The Semi-Finals and Final of the County Match Play Championship scheduled for today, 26th March, have been postponed. The course at Durham City is closed due to the recent rain…with
Bishop Auckland pair Jess Hall & Jamie Birckbeck.
County Mixed Foursomes Champions 2023
The Rules of Handicapping Appendix A: Rights and Responsibilities The integrity of the World Handicap System relies on all key stakeholders ensuring that the requirements set down within the Rules
The Past Captains Fixtures & Start Sheets are now available for booking for 2024. To book a tee, please contact the Captains Secretary as follows :- Email. Mobile 07721199131.
George Rennie of Durham City GC has been elected to serve on the DCGU Executive Committee at the recent AGM.
George is seen here receiving his Executive badge and tie from new President, Gerry Johnson.
At the 116th DCGU Annual General Meeting, Gerry Johnson of Bishop Auckland GC became the 36th President of Durham County Golf Union. Seen here receiving his badge of office from
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